Today Rylee turned 6 months old! I won't get on a soap box about it (wink wink) but I just wanted to say how much we love having her as a part of our family! She is the greatest gift I have EVER received! We love her so much! At her Dr appointment she weighed 17 pounds! She has tripled her birth weighed. She came to us a whole 5 pds 14 oz! We love watching her grow and learn new things everyday! Enjoy some of her great moments this last month! One of Rylee's favorite toys...her JUMPEROO! Her feet finally touch! What a pretty smile!
Rylee loves choosing what toy she wants to play with! So grown up! lol
Daddy is proud how much Rylee loves her ball! =) And notice she is sitting up on her own!
One of my favorites! She looks so sweet in this picture! And we are AMAZED she will take the binky now! Only when she is tired...but that is OKAY!